
Welcome to Single Mother Families Australia Inc.

We salute single mothers' talents, diversity and resolve and work with and for single mothers to advance equality, fairness, and respect. Structural and gender disadvantages are choices, and the wrong decisions have harmed too many single mother families who live with financial distress, fear, and stigma.

Championing Single Mothers and their Children since 1973

About Us

Single Mother Families Australia (SMFA) was conceived in 1973 as a lead national voice with policy insight and expertise. We commenced life as the National Council of Single Mothers & their Children Inc and changed our name to Single Mother Families Australia in 2023 as part of our 50 year celebration.

SMFA is an organisation dedicated to single mother families. We have an unrelenting quest and commitment to seek safer lives with agency, control and economic certainty for single mother families.

More About Us

What We Do

SMFA provides a range of platforms that give voice and respect to the lived reality for single mother families. Our key focus is for single mother families affected by hardship, poverty, and gender-based violence. SMFA is informed by the women who contact us, our own research and research collaborations.

SMFA gives voice to matters of concern and seeks solutions for single mothers through our engagement with the media, within parliament settings, at various conferences and committees, and through our extensive networks.

Latest news:  "Celebrating Single Mothers and their Care Work", Take Our Survey 

See our Media Release:  SMFA welcomes transformative child care and abolition of the Activity Test,130225.

See our Child Support Briefing: So Many Ways to Lose, 5/03/25 and campaign website Fix Child Support and research Opening the black box of Child Support: Shining A Light on Financial Abuse, 8/11/24; SMFA Media Release; Full report: Opening the Black Box of Child Support.

Income Support

The financial circumstances of single mother families and the elevated risk of poverty and deprivation are well known. Separation, gendered violence, not valuing care, and inadequate social security contribute to and entrench hardship.
More About Income Support
More About Income Support

Child Support & Child Care

The child-support scheme can provide financial certainty and strengthen resilience in the children's primary household. Child Support has the potential to assist in more secure housing, provide the basics for children and reduce hardship.
More About Child Support
CS Agreements
CS & Family payments
CS Exemptions
Child Care

Future Planning

Our focus is to work for and with single mothers to gain equity, justice, and respect. We salute the talents and resolve of single mothers, but the structural disadvantage and cultural norms have resulted in unsafe lives and hardship.
More About Future Planning
Support & Assistance

Safety & Housing

SMFA knows that housing, housing stress, homelessness, short-term leases, and soaring rents are a constant pressure and fear. SMFA also knows the cost of relocation, the inability to locate alternative housing is a constant fear.
More About Safety & Housing

Our Voice

Our voice is directed and influenced by the lived reality of single mothers. Policy, decisions, and deliberations that affect single mothers' families are flawed unless we are listened to, we are engaged in the process, and they are co-designed. SMFA will share our submissions, public statements, and national surveys as we strive for a more efficient and fairer system.
Media Releases/Media Coverage
Silence Kills

Contact Us


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The easiest way is to simply click the link and complete our online form.

P 1800 290 920


Contact Us Now
SMFA does not receive any emergency assistance – any donation can and has made an impact. Donations received are passed on in full to a struggling single mother family. No judgment just care.
Donate via PayPal